Developer of Deus Ex Randomizer, StarCraft 2 Randomizer, RollerCoaster Tycoon Randomizer, Build Engine Randomizer, and Groovie 2 in ScummVM

  • 117 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I hit the max post length for Lemmy lol, so here are the minor changes:

    Minor Changes

    Click to expand Minor Changes
    • Made the goal names for Liberty Island North/South docks more consistent.
    • Fix M02 Warehouse backwards keypad on mirrored map, and M12 gas station backwards doggie alarm.
    • Weapons no longer automatically rescope after reloading.
    • DXRSplits.ini config file now has a goal_time property.
    • Reduced stutter when loading death markers.
    • Fixed collision issues on warehouse fence, airfield shipping containers, and vandenberg command wall.
    • Minor Crowd Control fix.
    • Fixed M02 generator and M09 jammer ambient sounds moving with the goals, and made generator highlightable.
    • Reduced the size of the sound radius for backtracking Jocks.
    • Fix looting LAWs and PS40s from bodies when you already have one.
    • Fixed shuffled enemies sometimes losing their tag (should improve gas station guards).
    • Show damage resistance for hits taken from auto turrets.
    • Smuggler remembers that he let you in, if you give him the password Bloodshot then his security bot will not shoot at you.
    • Autofill computer passwords now default to an account with a known password.
    • Targeting aug now auto triggers for all weapons.
    • If you kill The Merchant, he should now have all the items he was selling.
    • Installer improvements:
      • Migrate existing saves for Vanilla Fixer.
      • Faster Vulkan check.
      • Advanced settings hidden by default.
    • HUDAmmoDisplay also shows number of pickups, like biocells or multitools.
    • Fix speedrun splits view during loading screens, and show gold split time in SEG.
    • Items tossed out of carcasses should no longer block NPCs.
    • Make sure ALL_SHIFTS account on Nervous Workers computer in Versalife has the same password as the rest of the computers.
    • Selecting an aug that can’t be installed because the slots are full (in a medbot) will now show what slot it takes, along with the full aug description.
    • Combat Strength no longer activates when throwing grenades.
    • Energy level is shown in inventory description for biocells.
    • Fixed autosave dropping carried decoration (such as a crate).
    • Sub bay doors now have a centered pivot point, so they can be destroyed more consistently (on the sub base side).
    • Added a nanokey for Apartment 12 in the Paris streets (only if goals rando is enabled, because Nicolette can be up there).
    • Public terminals in the lobby of the Paris hostel are now Guest Registries and show if Jaime or Nicolette are inside the locked room.
    • Added alarm to M06 MJ12Lab MiB overlooking office.
    • Reduced an alt+tab issue preventing some menus from opening.
    • Fixed dialog for Jock when redoing the Ocean Lab -> Silo trip.
    • When upgrading an active aug, it now automatically reactivates.
    • Improved description for automatic augs.
    • Remember crouch across saves and loading screens.
    • Fixed M05 UNATCO backtracking to MJ12 lab keypad.
    • We no longer randomize robot sizes, and made the collision slightly smaller for Military Bots and the large Spiderbots.
      • They were pretty clumsy trying to move around in random spots, so we’re hoping this reduces that issue.
    • Fixed M05 Paul’s security camera, and moved his greasel pit spot forwards slightly.
      • Both of these should make scouting his location a little easier.
    • New hotkeys for Remove Item From Belt, and Autorun. Check the Keyboard/Mouse settings screen to bind these.

  • Full v2.6 update notes are on the Github, but I’ll copy-paste them in here too:

    v2.6 is NOT compatible with save files from older releases.

    For Nvidia users, setting ultra low latency mode for DXRando.exe can help performance. Use vanilla (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer’s features and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically.

    If you don’t know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here’s our old trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works.

    See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

    Augs overhaul

    • Auto Augs (optional) you’ll be able to leave many augs enabled and they will only use energy when they’re useful.
      • Ballistic Protection, Combat Strength, Aggressive Defense System, EMP Shield, Energy Shield, Environmental Resistance, Synthetic Heart, and Targeting
      • A triggered aug will use energy for 5 seconds and then automatically stop using energy. Automatic augs will use twice the normal energy rate per second (the description will show this value).
    • Tweaked difficulty settings to compensate, increased combat difficulty for all
    • Increased energy usage for Aggressive Defense System
    • Aug Upgrade Cans will no longer be deleted from carcasses
    • Increased the chances of AugBots, especially for WaltonWare and Speedrun mode

    More randomized goals

    • The NSF HQ (M04) transmitter computer is now also randomized, which provides a lot of variety for your escape plans.
    • Hong Kong Versalife Labs 1 now has an additional location the computers could be in: the office overlooking the hand statue. You will be able to see this computer from below through the window.
    • In Return to NYC (M08), Jock is now randomized for the escape, as well as the spawn points for the MJ12 raid. (Scout out for the black vans to see ahead of time.)
    • Leo can now spawn on the Liberty Island North Dock near Harley Filben. (They’re pals)
    • The bilge pump computer’s location is now randomized in the superfreighter (M09).
    • On Silo (M14) the computer for redirecting the missile is now in a random location, and Howard’s random locations are different now with only 2 of them being in near the missile. Also Howard will no longer appear until after Helios is born (Vandenberg Computer room), you’ve gotten the schematics for the Oceanlab UC, and you’ve redirected the missile with the computer.
    • Check the wiki!

    Major Changes

    • Allowed saving during infolinks, and restored Tong’s annoying Paris infolinks
    • Reduced in-fighting issues
    • Fun new Crowd Control effects like Drop Piano and Resident Evil camera!
    • Tear gas can no longer kill you, but it can still bring you really low on torso health!
    • Lasers now have more consistent behavior:
      • Lasers are now triggered by anything except NPCs/enemies, preventing the cheese of using a grenade or other object to block the lasers and safely walk past.
      • Red lasers act as an alarm when triggered
      • Blue lasers will only trigger something else
    • Weapon cooldowns are now more obvious with a red glow when the cooldown is longer than the animation, and animation speeds are also adjusted
      • The sniper had a much longer cooldown than animation, especially on a bad seed, so we made it reload after every shot to reduce confusion.
    • Fixed max ammo for NPCs/enemies. They were getting hit by the same max ammo reductions that the player was, causing them to run out of ammo early, especially robots.
    • Speedrun mode now starts with max energy

    Minor Changes

    Click to expand Minor Changes
    • Horde Mode fixes
    • Gas station fixes, now the guards inside will do a better job of killing Tiffany when alerted.
    • Increased running speed for Tiffany Savage and Maggie Chow
    • Vandenberg Tunnels fixes
      • Fixed the Nanokeys sometimes being placed in hard to reach locations, and added more good locations for them.
      • The lasers that trigger the turret towards the end of the map have been changed from blue to red, so it feels more consistent.
      • The explosion in the radioactive room can now be (relatively) safely triggered from either side.
    • Vandenberg elevator fixed (open door button)
    • Fixed barrel behavior not always matching their appearance
    • More possible locations for items and enemies
    • The Merchant now drops all items when killed, including ammo
    • Gunther M01 and Gilbert Renton M04, all dialog options for giving weapons
    • Louis Pan fixes
    • Serious Sam mode slightly increased combat difficulty
    • Bartenders are less annoying
    • If you loot a weapon that you already have and you’re full on ammo, the remaining ammo will stay on the ground.
    • You can now backtrack up the Area51 Bunker elevator
    • Mission 1 Joseph Manderley no longer cares if you had enough inventory space to accept Sam Carter’s items.
    • Improved the cleaning up of enemies when completing M01 and M03.

    Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section at the bottom of the Github Release page or from

  • I think it’s not drawing the checkboxes correctly? That looks a lot like it does on Windows except on Windows I have checkboxes lol, I’ll have to check in Linux later. But you can just manually edit the config. The start screen of Kentie’s Launcher has a little link in the bottom right to open the DXRando.ini or DeusEx.ini config file

    Click it to open the file, ctrl+f for Paths= and you should find something like


    with the DXRando paths at the top of the Paths list like mine is. If you need help you can just show me what you have.

  • I got a Quest 3, pre-ordered just for this game lol. Not my first VR game, I’ve played some on my sister’s Oculus Rift, and played a couple things in the week I had my headset before this game came out. I think the headset is great, really cool to be able to wirelessly link to the PC or play standalone, and the passthrough mode is cool too. And the cameras can auto create your boundaries too which is very convenient compared to my sister’s Oculus Rift.

    T7GVR was awesome, you could tell the devs were real fans of the original game.

    The puzzles aren’t as difficult as T7G or T11H, but there are a larger number of puzzles to compensate, and the puzzles still force you to think. People hated how difficult T11H was in 1995 lol so that would be even worse today, there’s no way any puzzle game could be that difficult today and expect to sell more than 5 copies lol.

    And the soundtrack is full of beautiful remixes of the original songs. The volumetric videos are really cool and the graphics and art are great. The acting is good too, not as over the top as the original, but no one would’ve taken that seriously in this day and age lol.

    Totally understandable about spoilers. I hope you enjoy the game!

    We have a Discord community which is much more active than this. We’re very careful about spoilers there with separate channels for spoilers and even still using spoiler tags. We’ve also got a couple of the devs in there.

    Multiple fans of the OG in our community are gushing over this game, haven’t heard anyone who doesn’t like it.