Download DXRandoInstaller.exe in the Assets section under the changelog or download from It is safe to update in the middle of a playthrough.

Use vanilla/GOTY (optionally with Lay D Denton) to get all of the Randomizer’s features, best QoL improvements, and the most polished experience. Our installer has an option to install Lay D Denton for you automatically. We also support Revision, GMDX, HX, and Vanilla? Madder.


Click to show trailers

If you don’t know what Deus Ex Randomizer is, then here’s our trailer which shows a breakdown of how it works:

v3.0 Trailer

Here are trailers for our Halloween modes, WaltonWare, and Vanilla Fixer/Zero Rando:

Halloween Trailer WaltonWare Trailer Zero Rando Trailer

See the full README here. Also check out our Discord and

Major Changes

  • Regular Randomizer game modes
    • Normal Randomizer no longer includes randomized goal locations or start locations. Also disables randomized auto turrets, and reduces some randomization rates.
    • Full Randomizer includes everything Normal used to.
  • Balance changes are now controlled by options in the Rando menu, disabled by default in Zero Rando modes (see the Wiki page)
    • Zero Rando should now be almost identical gameplay to vanilla, with bug fixes and optional QoL features. Great for first-time Deus Ex players and purist veterans alike.
    • If you want the balance changes or more QoL features, play Zero Rando Plus, or check the Rando ➜ Gameplay menu.
  • New menu to change current game settings (but some won’t take effect until you go to a new map)
  • Multiple, rotating quicksave slots
  • Fixed Attacking orders for many enemies that break stealth/camo
    • Example: Mission 8 Hell’s Kitchen UNATCO Troops that spawn when a Riot Cop is killed run to the location of the killed cop, instead of directly targeting the player.
  • A different sound is played when taking 0 fall damage
  • Slowed down WaltonWare difficulty increases
  • Fixed riot prod accuracy
  • Some loadouts now have banned skills, such as By the Book banning computers, lockpicking, and electronics.
  • New loadouts
    • Random Starting Aug (instead of Speed Enhancement)
    • Reduced Aug Set
    • Straight Edge
    • No Overused Weapons renamed to Hipster JC, now also starts with EMP Shield, and bans a few augs and laser mods as well
  • Tweaks to The Merchant items and pricing, now selling more relevant items with more appropriate prices

Minor Changes

Click to expand Minor Changes
  • Quicksaves now show the map name
  • Stick With the Prod Pure now has the rubber baton
  • Alarm Sounder Panels can now be disabled while not alarming, are easier to hack, and have standardized alarm timeouts
  • Removed decimal linger time because aug energy is checked 4 times per second, not once per second (tiny buff to combat strength and targeting)
  • Fixed some issues with Ford Schick alliances
  • Slightly more biocells for Extreme and Impossible difficulties
  • Slightly tweaked melee weapon rates (made swords slightly more common)
  • Fixed Plasma/PS20/PS40 damage descriptions
  • Zero Rando PS20 does 25 damage as the vanilla description suggests
  • Tweaked grenade fuse length scaling with Demolition skill
  • Aqualung now prevents bubbles, because science
  • Using an item from the belt will replace it with another item of the same type instead of emptying the belt slot
  • Fixed save slot 1000 being overwritten
  • Fixed Environmental Resistance using energy for 0 damage from fire extinguishers
  • UNATCO blockade isn’t present in Battery Park until the raid on Paul’s apartment starts
  • Images are marked as unviewed when reacquired, and more bingo fixes, especially for Mean Bingo Machine mode
  • If bingo sound notifications are enabled, a happy beep plays when a bingo line is completed
  • Fixed WaltonWare not autosaving to a hard slot at the start of each loop
  • Binocular peeping now works through mirrors
  • More bingo goals
  • Bingo goal for drinking Ambrosia now takes into account the small Ambrosia vial hidden in Ocean Lab
  • Removed duplicate Jocks from most game modes. They are only needed for bingo modes and entrance rando
  • Crowd Control changes
  • The Doom Mode effect no longer affects conversation cameras
  • Only 3 Nasty Rats can be spawned on a map at a time
  • The Killswitch effect can no longer be used when in conversations/menus
  • The Marbles effect can now be dropped in conversations
  • Minor fix for Luminous Path aggression when entering their compound early
  • Augmentation slots are now displayed in Augmentation Canister highlight text
  • Probably fixed big robots and karkians blocking paths
  • Fixed songs that don’t have all the sections like combat/conversation
  • Added an option to prevent automatically adding items to the belt
  • Fixed item dupe bug from conversations for non-stackable items (like camo or upgrade cans)
  • Ninja augmentation now has level 5 for Synthetic Heart, and burns 1 energy on activation like Speed Enhancement
  • Small fix for Smuggler’s elevator
  • Fixed some unlinked shower faucets and heads
  • Fixed bug with zombies for some augmented NSF terrorists
  • Updated OpenAugTree to version 2.1
  • Updated DXVK to v2.5.3
  • Installer now has an advanced option for DXVK max FPS
  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮
    6 days ago

    These randomizer mods are becoming increasingly common. I need to know if they are totally random, or are intelligently designed enough that getting soft locked due to getting a different item instead of a crucial key item needed to progress doesn’t happen? Like it would suck to install a randomizer for Dark Souls 1, and then not be able to leave the Asylum because nothing randomized getting the key needed to open the door past the Asylum Demon (or Oscar not giving you the flasks to heal).

    • Die4EverOPMA
      6 days ago

      Most randomizers have enough logic to ensure the game is always beatable and somewhat fair. Ideally every seed with the same settings would be similar difficulty. We’ve seen thousands of playthroughs of Deus Ex Randomizer, anything unbeatable would be considered a bug.

      Some people do challenge runs too, like no hacking, non-lethal playthroughs, or no weapons aside from the stun prod. It’s still always beatable, even on high difficulty.